
<a href-“https://www.12345678910abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.html Even the smallest glitch when writing html code will cause endless headaches.

The link above is fictitious, so don’t try it, but it does contain a very small mistake that caused me to ask for help from one of my tech-savvy sons.

While waiting for an answer for my call for help, I completely turned off my PC and let the problem rest.

When I turned the PC back on, I spotted the error very quickly, and fixed it pronto. The link worked.

Talk about relief! I called my son, and called him off.

Funny how even the smallest probem in our lives can cause so much grief.

Did you spot the typo?

The link SHOULD look like this.

<a href=”https://www.12345678910abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.html Even the smallest glitch when writing html code will cause endless headaches.


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